Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Topix.com, City-data.com

When people think of drug issues they think of kids and young adults, scampering around with our pills. I have seen very few people under the age of 30 come into our office for pain management. You know who the real culprits are? Middle age white people. If you'd like to see them from the safety of your computer screen I highly recommend typing into google something like where can I find oxycodone? Roxycodone? Or try one of these websites: Topix.com, city-data.com. These are live feeds of people right in your neighborhood! Usually I browse these sites for updates on current drug trends and motives and plots to get pills. 

I never knew what blues were till I found topix.com. Good thing for me because I actually had an encounter with a patient who told me only the blue ones worked. Right. What she meant to say was only the blue ones SELL. 

I just do not think the majority of the public really understands the sub-culture that these people have created. Do not fool yourself either, these people are not just the typical, run of the mill trailer park crew. They are the men and women who work right beside you. Maybe your superiors. They're the older ladies who really aren't so old, they just look that way. They're the cashier, or anyone who can come up with a positive MRI. Most likely they're the mom at the school play who complains to everyone about how hard it was for her to get out of bed this morning. Trust me, if you've heard a neighbor or someone complain about their back because of a motor vehicle accident or because they have fibromyalgia (I'll touch on this condition later), I'm sure they've washed up into some clinic before and I bet they still continue to do so. You can find some shady street lined with primary care doctors opening up shop under the alias of pain management. Usually these places only accept cash, and I don't think disability can cover those expenses $$. They'll write anything for the right price. So, try not to be so judgmental of the typical drug seeker. They're really just like you or me. Except I've had too much of them and I rather not ever get into the business of taking and dealing narcotics. I'll leave that one to the pros.

Really though check out http://www.topix.com/forum/drug/oxycontin
It will make you disgusted, but maybe you can manage a couple laughs out of it. 

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